Online CPD: Teaching Shakespeare and Sexuality
Build your confidence and skills in facilitating LGBTQIA+ inclusive discussions in the classroom in this practical and interactive online Continuing Professional Development workshop. Designed for Secondary English and Drama teachers.
Working with an experienced Education practitioner, you’ll use academic and practical tools to analyse where Shakespeare’s works illuminate the queer culture of his own time, as well as revealing how ‘queering’ the performance of Shakespeare’s plays can unlock further meaning.
Using practical techniques direct from our rehearsal rooms and references to current research relating to the plays in their original and contemporary contexts, you will uncover the queer potential in Shakespeare and the possibilities and provocative discussions that can arise from looking at his plays through an other-than-heteronormative lens.
Your experience includes:
- A two hour workshop with an expert practitioner
- A takeaway session plan to help you embed your learning in the classroom
This is an online event hosted on Zoom and will be available to join from wherever you are in the world.
Who are our Globe Education Practitioners?
Our expert Globe Education Practitioners leading your CPD are specialists in teaching Shakespeare in performance. They are actors, directors, and workshop leaders, with specific experience of engaging young people in Shakespeare.
Please purchase one ticket per participant.
This event takes place online
Running time approximately 2 hours
Terms and conditions
A £2.50 transaction fee per order applies online and over the telephone.
Capacity: 40 participants
Part of Teacher Training
- A ticket covers an individual joining via one device. Please ensure you join the meeting five minutes in advance of the event start time.
- A link with joining instructions will be emailed to you a day before the event. You will need access to a reliable internet connection and be able to join a Zoom meeting.
- Participants are invited to tell us about any access requirements during the booking process; this will enable us to be aware of needs in order to make reasonable adjustments and/or adapt content where possible.
- These online events are interactive, which means that there are opportunities for the Globe practitioner and the participants to engage directly with each other live.
- To make sure that everyone participating is safe and to protect privacy, no recording or photography will be permitted.
- Our staff retain the right to terminate any participant’s connection to the Zoom meeting if our Ticketing Terms and Community Guidelines are not followed.