Shakespeare’s Globe Book Award Form 2023
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- Rules and conditions
Please use this form to submit an author’s work for the Shakespeare’s Globe Book Award. You should be an editor (or other employee) of an academic publishing house submitting on behalf of an author, not the author themself. Once you have filled in the form, please send 6 (six) physical copies of the submitted book to Dr Hanh Bui, Shakespeare’s Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, London SE1 9DT, UK. Books cannot be considered without provision of 6 copies.
Please read the Terms and Conditions before submitting.
- The Shakespeare’s Globe Book Award is granted to the book the Judges deem to have made the most outstanding contribution to our understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. The Judges will consider the originality of the research, the quality of the writing and the book’s impact on the field.
- Judges will choose between 4 and 6 books to shortlist from the submitted titles. The shortlist will be announced in the spring of 2023, at which point the Award administrators will request information about the shortlisted authors from the publisher (biographies, headshots, etc).
- The winner or winners will be announced in the summer of 2023.
- Judges are chosen by Shakespeare’s Globe in consultation with colleagues at the English Department of King’s College London (KCL), and will include Globe and KCL academic staff and the immediate past winners of the prize. The Award is administered by Shakespeare’s Globe and funded by an anonymous donor. The winner is awarded £3,000. The Award may be granted to two winners, in which case the monies are split between them (£1,500 each). The winner or winners are invited to give a public lecture at Shakespeare’s Globe at a time to be determined in consultation with the winner or winners.
- The book must be the author’s first academic monograph (i.e., a book aimed at scholars and students with a sustained argument on a discrete topic). The author can already have published articles, chapters, blogs or other shorter-form works of scholarship, but the submitted title needs to be their first book-length published scholarly work.
- Submitted books should chiefly address Shakespeare or early modern drama, and consider literature composed between 1564 and 1642. Books on early modern culture that significantly develop our understanding of Shakespeare’s time are also eligible.
- Books must have been published in 2020, 2021 or 2022. Books published before 2020 or after 2022 will not be considered.
- Books must be in English, and published by an established academic press (i.e., a publisher with a known reputation for disseminating scholarly work). Self-published books are not eligible.
- Books may be co-authored, but must not have more than two authors.
- Authors of any nationality or country of residence are eligible, but the book must be available for purchase in print form in the UK through the usual retail channels.
- The decision of the Award administrators as to a book’s eligibility is final. The decision of the Judges is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
- Publishers may enter as many books as they like that meet the criteria (see above). Information must be submitted via the online form, and SIX physical copies of each submitted book must be sent to Shakespeare’s Globe in a timely fashion (within a month of submitting the entry form). Please address the book parcel to: Dr Hanh Bui, Shakespeare’s Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, London SE1 9DT, UK.
- Dr Bui or Dr Will Tosh can be contacted if you have queries about the prize.
- Books may only be submitted by publishers, not the author themself. In submitting an author’s work the publisher and author/s are agreeing to abide by the rules of the Award.
- No books will be returned. E-books and PDF proofs are not accepted.
- Shakespeare’s Globe reserves the right to refuse any entry for any reasonable cause, and reserves the right to vary the rules and conditions at any time if deemed necessary, or to cancel the Award.
- Shakespeare’s Globe must receive the physical books by 31 December 2022 in order for the title to be considered.