Use this page as a guide to finding research papers and bulletins from our archive catalogue
We are committed to making our scholarship public through a range of online resources. Use this page as a guide to finding research papers and bulletins from our free to access archive catalogue.
Read papers written by academics and practitioners that focus on aspects of Shakespeare in performance.
Explore a variety of material on how plays develop. Many of these papers feature the work of Professor Farah Karim-Cooper.
Also included are papers relating to research events.
Once you’ve opened the catalogue links below you will need to scroll down to the ‘Multimedia’ section and click on the PDF to view the paper.

Strangers in the City by Farah Karim-Cooper
The Problem of The Heath by Gwilym Jones
Laughter in Lear by Dr Farah Karim-Cooper
Playing the Murderer by Dr Farah Karim-Cooper
Fairies Refashioned by Dr Farah Karim-Cooper
Myths of Honour by Gwilym Jones
Shakespeare’s Globe/QMUL/KCL Collaboration: Text, Space and the Performance of Violence: King Lear
Download the findings of the Globe Research team on performances at the Globe between 1997 and 2004.
Bulletins include comments on rehearsals, character development, scene development, dramaturgical context, cuts or changes to the text, music, movement, blocking on stage, vocal techniques, the pillars, audience, original practice and interviews with cast and crew.
Once you’ve opened the catalogue links below you will need to scroll down to the ‘Multimedia’ section and click on the PDF to view the bulletin.

Minutes of the Opening Season Review held on 4 to 5 October 1997. Issue number 1
Findings from the Globe Opening Season Henry V Issue number 2
Findings from the Globe Opening Season The Winter’s Tale Issue number 3
Maximal and minimal texts of Shakespeare Issue number 4
Findings from the Globe Prologue Season 1996 Issue number 5
The 1998 Season Review Conference Issue number 6
Findings from the Globe 1998 Season: The Merchant of Venice Issue number 7
Findings from the Globe 1998 Season: The Honest Whore
The Globe Plans and Dimensions. Issue number 8
Music at the Globe in 1997 and 1998 Issue number 9
Findings from the 1998 Season: As You Like It Issue number 10
Interviews of the Red Company cast members (1998) Annex to Issues number 10 and 11
‘Infinite Numbers’: Staging a Crowd on the Globe Stage Issue number 13
The 1999 Globe Season, The Red Company, Anthony and Cleopatra Issue number 14
The 1999 Globe Season Interviews with The Red Company Issue number 14a
The 1999 Globe Season, The Red Company, Julius Caesar Issue number 15
The 1999 Globe Season, Interviews with the White Company Issue number 15a
Interviews with the Red Company, Issue number 15b, 1999 Season
Winter Playing: Workshop, 31 October 2000, A Tentative Report Issue number 15b
The 2000 Globe Season, The Red Company, The Tempest Issue number 16
The 2000 Globe Season: The White Company, Hamlet Issue number 17
Actor Interviews 2000, Red and White Companies Issue number 18
The 2000 Globe Season, The Red Company, Two Noble Kinsmen Issue number 19
The Antipodes, Dramatis Personae, The White Company [Issue number 20]
The 2001 Globe Season: The White Company, King Lear Issue number 21
The 2001 Globe Season: The Rose Company, Cymbeline Issue number 22
The 2001 Globe Season, The Red Company, Macbeth Issue number 23
The 2001 Globe-to-Globe Season, The Mansaku Nomura Company, Kyogen of Errors Issue number 24
The 2001 Globe-to-Globe Season: The Welcome Msomi Company, Umabatha Issue number 25
The 2002 Globe Season: The White Company, Twelfth Night Issue number 26
Interviews with Company Members from the 2002 Theatre Season: The Season of Cupid and Psyche
The 2002 Globe Season: The Rose Company, The Golden Ass Issue number 27
Listen to a series of interviews with actors who have performed Shakespeare’s Globe.
Adopt An Actor is a collection of interviews, mainly with actors, about the process of being in a production at the Globe. These clips cover everything from rehearsal through to performance.
We are still in the process of cataloguing this series – sound files and transcripts currently available are from 1998 to 2005.

Go to the home page of the archive catalogue.
Just under the main search box is a section ‘Popular searches’. Click on ‘Adopt an Actor’.
All the available records will be displayed and to access material for a particular production you need to click on the Reference Number (Ref No) in red to access the individual record. Go to the Multimedia and URL fields to access content.
Explore our performing arts archive which contains unique records documenting the history of Shakespeare’s Globe.
Our Library specialises in Shakespeare, theatre, performance and Early Modern studies and includes rare books and special collections.
If you have any questions or issues with accessing these resources please contact us.