Ensure Shakespeare’s Globe’s future through a planned gift
Shakespeare’s Globe was born from one man’s dream of constructing a faithful recreation of an Elizabethan theatre close to its original Bankside location. It was built through the generosity of the people who shared our Founder, Sam Wanamaker’s vision, understanding the importance of its place in the cultural, educational and theatrical landscape.
Since 1997, we have operated without annual government subsidy and each year we continue to rely on donations from individuals, trusts and foundations and corporate organisations to deliver our charitable mission.
Shakespeare’s Globe is a place where extraordinary things happen – a place of curiosity, wonder and surprise. Giving a legacy gift today will ensure this exchange continues and evolves for many generations to come.


Terry Pope, Globe Steward
Terry Pope has been a volunteer steward at the Globe since he retired in 2011. This in itself is a huge contribution to the theatre. “I think it’s been calculated that the volunteer stewards’ time adds up to anything from £750,000 to £1m per year to the Globe itself,” he says, “so it’s a legacy in its own right.”
Nonetheless, Terry intends to leave an official legacy to Shakespeare’s Globe as well. In part, he wishes the donation to act as a way of thanking the Globe for everything it has given him over the past 10 years. “I’ve been doing around 250 to 300 shows a year,” he explains, “so it’s been a big part of my life for a lot of reasons, but mainly because of the social thing – it has given me something to do and feel like I’m involved in, and it’s also extended my abilities in many ways.”
Dr. Diana Devlin sadly passed away in 2020, but her memory lives on through her legacy gift, which will ensure her work is preserved and continued in the years to come.
Speaking about her decision to include the theatre in her estate in 2011, Diana said, “I really think of it as being one of my own family, one of my children” – which is, of course, fitting when we consider the important role she played in the Globe’s birth and her long-running contributions as a Trustee and Deputy Chair of the Globe Council.

Dr. Diana Devlin, former Deputy Chair of the Globe Council and Trustee
Full article available to read in Autumn 2020 Globe Magazine
There are several ways to leave a legacy gift, including bequests through your Will or Trust; a monetary gift or a gift of real estate.
You should consult with your legal, estate, and tax advisors to consider such a gift and assess its impact on your own planning.
For a gift in your Will or Trust, we recommend discussing the following language with your advisors:
‘I give and bequeath _________ to The Shakespeare Globe Trust, whose address is Shakespeare’s Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, Bankside, SE1 9DT, Charity No. 266916’
We understand these are important decisions, ones that you must make in your own time and with your family and solicitor. If you do have any questions however, we would be delighted to discuss these with you.
Thank you for considering leaving a legacy gift for the future of Shakespeare’s Globe.
For more information and advice about legacy giving, please contact Amy Cody, Director of Development