Tessa Parr

Theatre includes: The Secretaries (Young Vic), There are No Beginnings (Leeds Playhouse), Be My Baby (Leeds Playhouse), Hamlet (Leeds Playhouse), Christmas Carol (Leeds Playhouse), Europe (Leeds Playhouse), Road (Leeds Playhouse), B!RTH, (Royal Exchange Theatre), Frogman (Traverse Theatre),The Breakfast Plays (Traverse Theatre), Romeo & Juliet (West Yorkshire Playhouse) Playdough (Unlimited Theatre Co), The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (Northern Stage), Theatre Uncut ’15 (Theatre Uncut), The Soaking of Vera Shrimp (Live Theatre/ Pleasance), Get Santa (Northern Stage), Dead To Me (Greyscale/Kitchings Co), Alice in Bed (Tender Buttons), Funny Not Funny (Drywrite/ Bush).
TV includes: Ladhood 2 (BBC), Love, Lies & Records (Rollem Productions), Father Brown, Parades End, Casualty 1909, Doctors (BBC).
Tessa performs her own work as spoken word poet Johnny the Biblical Rapper and is a collaborator with Leeds based Glitterbomb Dancers.