Nicôle Lecky

Nicôle is an English and Jamaican writer and actress, based in London. Her one woman play ‘Superhoe,’ developed with Talawa and The Yard Theatre, had a run at The Royal Court in 2019, and transferred to the Brighton Fringe Festival. Nicôle will star in the TV adaptation of ‘Superhoe’, which she has created and written for Bonafide & the BBC. She has written an episode of the third series of ‘Ackley Bridge’ for The Forge and Channel 4. She completed writers’ programmes for The Lyric and Soho Theatre and was part of Tamasha’s Developing artists for 2017-2018. Nicôle was awarded the Creative Skillset and Dancing Ledge Productions’ High-end Television Levy Writers’ Bursary in 2018, under the mentorship of Levi David Addai, and her monologue ‘La Festival De Men’ was broadcast for BBC Radio 3 as part of the BBC’s Music Monologue Initiative.